2023 Mental Health Awareness Month Events

The Benji Project knows that there are many different pieces of our lives that contribute to our overall well-being. In honor of May Mental Health Awareness Month, The Benji Project explored the many facets of mental health and provided opportunities for individuals of all ages to take action for their well-being.

Climate & Mental Health Film Screenings

Wednesday May 3rd, 7:00-8:30 pm

The Cotton Building, 607 Water Street

Join us for a screening of two short documentaries: Gen Z Mental Health: Climate Stories and Cracked. How does climate disruption affect our mental health? Share your perspective in a community discussion following the films. Free Rose Theatre popcorn! 

Gen Z Mental Health: Climate Stories is a short documentary that explores the mental health impacts of the climate crisis on young adults worldwide, and considers what resilience means when fighting for the right to a livable planet. The film captures the emotions of a generation that may be frightened, but is anything but hopeless, saving room for stories of love, community connections, and healing.

Cracked: One of the biggest problems of our age is climate change and drought. Day by day, water sources dwindle and there's much concern for future generations. An imaginative and hopeful little girl living in a village with her mother spends an afternoon doodling and drawing amidst her unrelenting, arid surroundings. Through her eyes, we are reminded of hope, of struggle, and of doing our best for our beloved nature.

Self-Care Techniques with Karyn Stillwell

Wednesday, May 10th, 5:30-7:00 pm

Brigid’s Loft, 280 Quincy Street

Explore bodywork and breathing for greater health and happiness. Discover easy-to-learn self-massage techniques, as well as gentle yoga stretches and movements to keep your body feeling good. Learn the basics of breathing and why it is so important to breathe well. Learn specific breathing techniques for calming anxiety, and building better focus and mood. 

The Sensory Fair: A Multi-Sensory Pop-Up

Thursday, May 18th, 3:30-7:00 pm

Port Townsend Community Center, 620 Tyler Street

How can our physical senses help us calm down when we are stressed? Join us for a sensory exploration, with guidance from local middle and high school students from O.C.E.A.N.

This event is supported by a grant from MTV Studios and is part of the third annual Mental Health Action Day. This day was founded to shift mental health culture from awareness to action.

Find out which activities improve your sense of well-being the most! 

  • Create art, using your sense of sight and touch. 

  • Discover the soothing effects of playing with kinetic sand. 

  • Explore unique flavors, tapping into your sense of taste. 

  • Put on headphones and listen to a range of natural and human-created sounds.

  • Experiment with a curated range of scents. 

Being Present & Compassionate as a Parent

Thursday, May 25th, 5:30-6:30 pm

Blue Heron Middle School, 3939 San Juan Avenue

How do we stay present for ourselves as well as our children? Join us for activities designed to help you find the inner resources to support yourself with kindness. Parenting can be hard. For every joyous moment, there can be some really tough ones. Explore how to be your own best friend, acknowledging the hard stuff and approaching each struggle with compassion.